Admission Policy

The School of Nursing of the Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing welcomes people who fulfill the following:

People who can relate to the philosophy of the school
People who have excellent Japanese/English skills and the ability for scientific thinking
People who have wide-ranging interests in people and society
People who can take actions with social common sense and responsibility
People who are determined to learn nursing

Diploma Policy
(Certification of Graduation/Diploma Policies: Abilities and skills that students are expected to have at the time of graduation)

A diploma and bachelor degree (in nursing) will be awarded to students who: have organized curriculums to fulfill the education philosophy, objectives, and goals of the school, received the academic credits required for its completion, and developed the following skills and qualifications by the time of graduation:
The student is able to:

Understand the concept of the Red Cross and take actions as a professional to respect and protect the dignity and rights of humans.
Develop communication skills, support people’s lives and their daily activities, and caring for the lives of others.
Understand each person from physical, psychological, and social perspectives, using integrated approaches.
Recognize facts, analyze and assess situations in a multifaceted way utilizing expertise, the outcomes of previous studies, and experiences, and solve problems in a creative manner.
Understand people’s responses to health problems and provide nursing care appropriately and safely while respecting their individuality.
Recognize the roles that nurses should fulfill in health/medical/welfare/emergency care settings in the community, and provide nursing care in collaboration with other professionals.
Continue to learn while keeping self-learning and personal development in mind.
Exert efforts to understand different cultures to recognize health needs in the international community and the roles of nurses as professionals from a global point of view.
Develop basic skills to implement relief aid in the event of disasters, prevent disaster-related deaths, and conduct education on disaster prevention, as well as understand the daily health needs of people who have been afflicted by disasters.

Curriculum Policy
(Policy on the development and implementation of education curriculums)

The education curriculums are developed to fulfill the college’s diploma policy based on the following education philosophy and objectives: In the “General Education” and “Basics of Specialized Subjects” courses, students learn the concept and activities of the Red Cross - the philosophy of the school, and various phases of “health” as results of interactions between “humans” and “environments”. “Specialized Subjects” are organized and positioned, so that students are encouraged to learn “nursing” in the fields of Nursing for Development of the Basics, Care Creation Nursing, and Nursing in Harmony with the Community, as well as an integrated area of nursing techniques and knowledge.
Subjects related to the Red Cross - the philosophy of the school, are positioned as general education subjects; “Red Cross General Seminar” aims to promote students’ understanding of the philosophy and activities of the Red Cross and their independent inquiring minds, and “Study of Volunteer Activities” encourages students to implement the philosophy of the Red Cross. In the college, English is taught as a communication tool for students to develop communication skills, abilities to support people’s lives and their daily activities, and caring attitudes and consideration for the lives of others. Taking advantage of its regional characteristics, the college also has Spanish and Portuguese courses. Students of each academic year have various opportunities and English programs in particular to learn continuously or throughout the four school years, including “International Relief and English”.
Students learn to smoothly communicate with nursing care recipients in “Communication Study” and develop specialized communication skills by studying other psychiatric nursing-related subjects.
Since it is important for nursing care providers to understand each person using integrated approaches, the following classes are available at the college: “Human Development Study” and “Study of Families” to pay attention to the life cycles of humans to understand changes in their conditions; “Heredity and Health”, “Environmental Issues and Health”, and other subjects to learn about heredity, sports, and societies/environments in which people live to understand the effects on their health; “Morphofunctional Study”, “Pathology”, “Infection Control”, and other subjects to learn about the physical aspect of humans; “Clinical Psychology” to learn about the psychological aspect of humans. As another characteristic, “Pathological/Therapeutic Study” is provided in each nursing-related specialized field to help students learn relationships between pathological conditions/treatment and nursing.
The university also provides “Introduction to Clinical Examinations”, “Pharmacology”, “Ergonomics”, and “Rehabilitation” for students to understand examination/therapeutic procedures as a basis for nursing assessment, and “Epidemiology” and “Public Health” required to implement community nursing.
“Introduction to Nursing” and “Study of Nursing Support” in various nursing-related fields are provided as a basis for strengthening students’ expertise in nursing. Technical training in nursing-related fields including “Basic Nursing Techniques”, Practical Training, “Special Technical Training”, and “Integrated Training” are designed to encourage students to learn to integrate nursing techniques and knowledge. In “Nursing Administration”, students learn specialized nursing required in health, medical, and welfare care settings. The university also focuses on encouraging students to learn the roles of nursing in communities: “Introduction to Home Nursing” and “Introduction to Public Health Nursing”.
In “Nursing Professional Seminar”, students learn to develop career images and work as nurses with pride as graduates of the Red Cross Nursing College. “Nursing Career Development” aims to promote professionalism among nursing students, and they develop the basic research skills required to continue to learn throughout their lives in “Graduation Research”. “Introduction to Disaster Nursing” and “International Relief Nursing” are provided for students to learn the roles of nursing in first-aid situations in Japan and other countries, the prevention of disaster-related deaths, and the implementation of education on disaster prevention, which are characteristics of the education curriculums of the college.